Aditya Swarnkar headshot
The biggest advice is to have patience when preforming research. You don't always get the results you are looking for within the first few attempts

Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic: Strain Induced Crystallization of Ideal Network Elastomers with Topological Defects Graduation Year: 2024

Undergraduate Research in the Neighborhoods

Strain Induced Crystallization is the process of increasing crystallinity in materials with the introduction of strain. Increased crystallinity is directly co-related to increased strength/toughness of the material. Aditya’s research discussed a new class of polymers known as Ideal Polymers which can undergo a 50% increase in their crystallinity and have a direct application in electrocaloric cooling. In attempts to test this, Aditya used experiments like tensile testing and data analysis after wide angle x-ray scattering in this study. The Ideal Network Elastomer being studied in this research can be a breakthrough in electrocaloric cooling. This is considered a sustainable replacement for heating and cooling applications. It also has other applications in many industries such as bioelectronics, issue adhesive, and water harvesting.  

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